Friday, October 16, 2020

Will's Friday Follies

We caught the last 25 minutes or so of Trump's townhall*. We liked what we saw and thought Trump's answers were strong. Of course we're biased. Do a couple more of those and be that guy, Mr. President. It seems to us that Joe gave Trump more fodder for campaign commercials.**

Readers are aware of the digital censorship about. We've been on Gab since 2016, but don't know what good it does. We're on Parlor too, same.

We're approaching The Great Nuclear War of 1975's halfway mark. Lots of fixin' a doin' but that's normal. We are generally pleased but once more are stumbling onto vignettes that leave us thinking, Oh, they're doing the thing in the place now? Oh...ok, I guess. Example: The president's staff decides they need a news anchor for daily radio broadcasts to the nation. Three vignettes later Paul Harvey shows up in Casper.***  Maybe It's just a flaw in our approach to the novel. We're not changing our approach.

Will we have this edit run wrapped up by 1 November? It's close, but we don't think so. Which is fine. Mrs. Stroock asked, 'What happens if you miss the deadline?' We shrugged indifferently, 'Nothing.'

*We weren't really planning to watch, we had late evening dance-taxi duty, anyway.

**According to wraps we read.

***Writing this we thought of a good bridge scene.

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