Saturday, October 10, 2020

Saturday Updates: In which Will goes the full Bob Wheeler

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We've had a rough week and a rough month. It started at the shore when a wave slammed us into the ground and we jammed our foot, causing a minor ankle sprain and unleashing gout. We were hobbled for the last two days of our stay and that's all were going to remember about an otherwise splendid return to the old family haunt. That same day our computer died. It took three weeks and three cortisone shots to finally kill the gout and resultant tendonitis. So much for the right foot. Our left big toe got gout and was enflamed for a week. We backed the vacuum cleaner into it, easily cracking the top ten most painful moments of our life. After the big toe heeled we got a gout attack in our ankle. After all the feet issues were finally gone we woke up with a cold*. We're feeling pretty good this morning so we can't wait to see what we get tomorrow.

By Adon's Ban...

For the record, this blog denounces white supremacy. Also Betamax.

We spent all week discussing our political theories, polls and reality. This has been an honest attempt to challenge our assumptions. Those polls showing Trump getting shellacked are as unnerving as walking into English 101 and seeing a long haired, badly attired morbidly obese woman standing at the podium.* After a while the deluge of polls are like sitting under an WWI era artillery barrage. You get rattled but the Bosch can only bounce the rubble so much. 

But saying, 'Well the polls were wrong in 2016' isn't good enough.

We've talked at length about ground game, voter contacts, new voter registrations, various indicia of enthusiasm measured by polls, by number of watches and likes on YouTube, anecdotal sign spotting, people who know someone whose voting Trump for the first time, mail in ballot totals and on and on. 

Someone please explain to this blog what Harris/Biden have done to win back the rustbelt voters Hillary! lost in 2016.

Only one metric favors Biden. All the others favor Trump. Bigly. And by the way, the polls were wrong in 2016. Anyone else remember how the communists and weirdos at The New York Times said Hillary! had a 98 point whatever chance of winning?*** Reader(s), do you think these people have learned anything, anything at all since then? As we've said, these polls will narrow as pollsters scramble to save their reps.


We've gotten about a quarter of the way through The Great Nuclear War of 1975, this covers the first ten days of the aftermath or so, maybe two weeks. We did a lot of cleanup. So far it looks pretty good. The plot does feel a bit disjointed to us. One minute we're at a presidential meeting in Caspar, next we're following a dying couple at a hospital outside Boston, then a Maryland Air National Guard prop plane doing recon up the East Coast and being ordered to fly to upstate New York to pick up some of Rockefeller's aids from his Albany days. It's probably ok.

We'll be working on The Great Nuclear War of 1975 all month. In November we hope to switch back to The Final Storm, and then in December switch back-back and finish The Great Nuclear War of 1975. We have a vision for how things are gonna go.

[Ohhhhh you have a vision-Ed]

Get fucked, Ed. Whatever happens, you people will be getting two novels in 2021. You're welcome.

We're going to pick up Nederland and do another chapter this weekend. Boy we hate this phase of the project. We've read it so much the book feels clunky. It's unnerving and one has to remind oneself about one's record of success. Speaking of, World War 1990: Battle of Three Seas has 38 amazon reviews averaging 4 stars and 79 reviews on Goodreads averaging same. Sales are great. That's a hell of a payoff for a book that was hard as hell to write and edit. We feel like Patton watching the tanks roll by.

Alert readers have probably noticed we changed this blog's photo.

We have completed our study of the War Between the States. A dozen books read. At some it just gets old. We're hoping to find a new reading project. It can't be forced. It needs a flash, a spark.

*No fever and Mrs. Stroock is Big Pharma

**Feminist prof who's going to make the class read 19th century lesbian Basque poetry

***Speaking of being wrong, this blog believed that cackling hyena would be dead before the election. There's still time.

1 comment:

  1. I amitt I love in one of the most red states in the US so I never see anything for Biden how is it in other places around the country
