A reader asks what's going to happen to President Bush in World War 1990: Election '92.
Readers probably noticed that as the WW1990 series goes on, Bush's health and stamina gradually decline. The man is wracked by migraines. He's always been a bit reluctant to prosecute the war. 'This is no time to go wobly,' Thatcher tells him at the end of Arctic Storm.* By the end of the war he's exhausted and decides not to run.
This sets the stage for Quayle. Readers have probably noticed that the vice president's handlers** have been maneuvering him into position for a run. GOP establishment types like Baker are horrified. The GOP primary becomes a contest between Quayle and not-Quayle. The establishment beg Powell to run, but he's too smart to jump into the race. So the GOP-e will have to find some other candidates. Kemp? Connie Mack down in FL? California Governor Pete Wilson?
Al Gore is going to be the Dem's savior. He's a moderate, Southern Democrat and he supported the war. He'll choose Bill for veep, but...well, you'll see.
As for Paul Tsongas, the first vote we ever cast, we cast for him. He was never a great candidate, and Bush's early popularity after Desert Storm scared off a lot of potential Democrat candidates, including Al Gore.
We'll be laying a lot of the groundwork for 'Election '92 in World War 1990: Saddam's War. Of course Quayle's people will want to intervene.
Exit question: had Al Gore run in our 1992, would he have kept Clinton out of the race and defeated Bush?
*She said that during the Desert Storm buildup.
**Kristol, Abrams, Negroponte get more sinister as the series progresses. We were a charter subscriber to The Weekly Standard.
I don't think so Clinton had that killer instinct Gore never did