Sunday, November 15, 2020

Four Stars and Six Novels on

 A review of World War 1990: Operation Arctic Storm,

Yes, it's 'odd' by design. We didn't want to do a 'Fulda Gap' and 'North German Plain' novel.  Why not just read Red Storm Rising and Team Yankee* and be done with it?

Four stars, though, which is cool. We'd only give Arctic Storm three.

At first World War 1990 was going to be a one-off thing. We really don't remember when the multiplying began. But began it did. One novel became three. Ideas kept coming. Novels got split and split again. Nederland was going to be a short story after all. 

This series' strength has always been our willingness to write about areas and make use of militaries that more conventional authors ignored. Clancy completely wrote off the Pacific. Seriously? The US would have hammered Soviet Asia, as we did Operation Eastern Storm. For Battle of the Three Seas we thought, 'The Marine Nationale at Marino Militarie are just sitting there, why not send them into the Black Sea?' Honestly, and we bet some readers wondered why we didn't do this, we could have sent USS America and her task force into the Black Sea with the French and Italians. But that would defeat the whole purpose, which was to feature a pair of fine Cold War navies.

In our not-so-humble opinion, World War 1990 is kind of like Star Trek the Next Generation. As each season of TNG got better, so each volume in WW1990 gets better.  Ok reader(s) what's your favorite World War 1990 Novel?

*Heh, both authors make cameos in Arctic Storm.

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