Whatever happens this election is a disaster for everyone.
People who think it'll be ok because the GOP will control the senate don't understand the stakes and don't understand how the Dems work.
That being said the Dems will get obliterated in the midterms.
Ben Shapiro said the Dems overcoming Trump's half million vote lead in PA is a 'heavy lift'.
Ben Shapiro is so smart that sometimes he misses important details.
Of course the Dems overtook Trump in Georgia.
You didn't think they would get to within 20K votes and walk away, did you?
For what it's worth, numbers people we follow say Trump will win Arizona and come back in Georgia due to military ballots.
We're not sure what it's worth.
Dear lord the fraud is so blatant, so obvious, so indifferent to appearances.
Ace speaks for this blog.
We are impressed with the breadth of Trump's legal offensive.
It seems like they were prepared.
Before election day Trump won a bunch of election related legal victories.
Trump has already won a couple of legal victories in Pennsylvania.
So there's some hope on that front.
We agree that Trump and Rudy being New Yorkers gives them a certain 'street fighting edge'.
Some friends have said the election is in the bag because when it goes to the Supreme Court we have ACB.
We don't know, man. Conservative justices have a way of knifing the GOP. Just ask John Roberts.
We like to think Cocaine Mitch told ACB she was nominated in the expectation she would rule favorably for Trump.
The base is rallying. One didn't see GOP protests during the Florida recount.
Make it absolutely fucking clear that GOPs not publicly supporting the president can't count on the base's support.
Anyway, we reduced our election info intake by some yesterday, but not enough.
This needs to get down to seeing what's happening in the morning and then catching up over evening coffee.
We deleted our Twitter account. That thing was useful election night, but turned into crack.
There's nothing we can do, no point in mainlining it.
We started a book on the Allied war effort in Western Europe. But it didn't read well, you know what we mean? The pages were long and the type small. It was hard to feel like one was making progress. And the book was so big it was physically hard to hold.
I suggest trying a book on Chesty Puller the greatest Marine who ever lived