Saturday, December 26, 2020

Boxing Day Updates

Happy Boxing Day to all our UK and Commonwealth readers. 

Via Instapundit, a thread on the Nashville Christmas bombing

Ok, so Boris got Brexit done and it seems like he came out ahead in the negotiations. The Brexit people are pleased, at least. He's a little bit less of a tosser than we thought two weeks ago. Our initial thought is that Brexit will hasten the breakup of Great Britain. Logic will dictate that Northern Ireland will want some kind of union with Ireland. The Scots want to leave anyway. Let the train spotters go, bunch of lay-about socialists. First slowly then all at once, a phrase reader(s) of this blog will be seeing a lot of in 2021.

A gloomy though not terrible Christmas. It was something of a normal day for us. We did plenty of work till about 2 PM. Then we zoomed Mrs. Stroock's family and opened presents. The Stroocklettes came away pleased. We got socks. Star Wars socks, so....We did the laundry, a two mile walk and then watched football. There was talk of driving around and looking at Xmas* lights but Middle Daughter, who'd been up late three nights in a row, was a moody, cranky, tired mess. We weren't going anywhere with that thing. Some blondes you don't mess with.

The Great Nuclear War of 1975 stands at 105,000 words. We are confident we'll have these read through by 1 January. We've gone through the Korean War chapter and it's....ok. Which is ok. We're resisting the temptation to expand and elaborate. No, it's not going to be its own book and we're not going to add to what we have. The Korean War chapter is fine as is within the context of the novel. We've gotten Matt to the Ohio/Indiana border. Still don't know what he'll find outside of Indianapolis. We've written Rockefeller's meeting with the leaders of the new congress, from there maybe his inauguration and...we do the yearly chapters. Right?

We really want to get this wrapped up so we can resume work on World War 1990: The Final Storm. Half the battle is just sitting around and thinking about things. We can't do that while we're thinking about post-nuclear America.

Sales of World War 1990: Nederland started well and built up and now have popped. Nederland is about to crack the top 20 in it's Amazon category in America and has already done so in the UK. We are very good at what we do. We think Nederland might be the most read WW1990 book by the end of the month. Heh, no one in the Netherlands has read it.

*Lots of our Hindu neighbors put up Dewali lights and just leave 'em up.

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