Sunday, December 27, 2020

Will's Good Idea for the last week of 2020

Every year we dream of  'sneaking in' and finishing a project during the summer. What if this year we snuck in and wrote World War 1990: The Weser? Our writing plan has always been one WW1990 novel forward, another back describing something before Arctic Storm. 

Seriously we get all the mental planning done. We outline the hell out of it. A thousand words a day, fifteen hundred is very doable. By the time the Stroocklettes are getting on the school bus again, voila, rough draft.

We're planning a novel in four acts, similar to what we did in Nederland, Helmut Kohl would probably open each section. Readers would follow the action in the field, Brits, Krauts, Americans and the French. Anyone else remember General Roquejoffre from Battle of the Three Seas? Out of necessity the French would lead the counterattack into the Soviet flank, Tri-Colour Armee! 

Ju-ju thy name is World War 1990: The Weser.

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