Thursday, December 17, 2020

Dr. Jill Biden, Ed.D etc. etc....

We should be finishing our latest bit of Russian collusion and firing up the snow blower (we got a foot of snow last night), but we've been overtaken by events.

We didn't think we'd get any more mileage out of Dr. Jill Biden, MD. But we were wrong. Via Ace, Redstate has read the Ed.D thesis of one Dr. Jill Biden, DDS. It's not pretty. Read for yourself. We'll provide one example, 'The unique nature of the classroom allows for a complexity of problems as well.'

Look folks, we all leave clunkers out there. This blog, this columnist, this author is no different. We've written, edited, reedited and published sentences that just make us cringe. We're so ashamed we won't even repeat them.

When we were a 19 year old freshman, the 30 year old editor of the Wesley College Whetstone gave us a copy of Strunk and White's The Elements of Style. Mighty glad are we to have read the best work on writing ever written. One simple, three word sentence has guided us ever since, 'Omit needless words.'

Dr. Jill Biden (honorary degree, Slovakian studies) has ejaculated one long stream of over-written word salad. To quote again, 'The unique nature of the classroom allows for a complexity of problems as well.'* That is undergraduate prose. That is the sentence of a sophomore English major with a 3.9 GPA who thinks using a lot of words makes her seem smart. There is nothing wrong with that by the way, if you're a 19 year old English Major. If you're a woman of a certain age...

This blog has wondered who would win the coming Oval Office power struggle, Jill or Kamala. We wonder no longer. Doctor Jill Biden is the dingbat, blonde dye jobbed second wife of a doddering, senile, fool. She doesn't stand a chance.

*We'll fix it, 'The classroom presents unique problems.'

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