Friday, December 18, 2020

Friday Follies

We submitted a column to our KGB handler last night, but really weren't sure he would publish it. The piece is about China's espionage in the United States, and the Ruski's can be sensitive about China stuff as they're friends. Anyway we got an email this morning asking for clarification on something so it looks like it's going up. When writing about China issues we try to avoid terms like 'Chinese spying' and instead say 'China's spying'. We know a lot of Chinese-Americans, of course. Just replace 'Chinese' with 'Jewish and reader(s) will see what we mean. We use 'Beijing' as much as possible.

And....the article is up
Beijing has established a presence on American college campuses through various means, including the Confucian Institute. This is a branch of the Chinese Ministry of Education, which seeks to promote ideas, culture and news from China. While Confucian Institutes engage in much useful dialogue, they have been designated a foreign mission by the U.S. State Department which says they spread Chinese government propaganda. At the start of 2020 there were 86 Confucian Institutes on American college campuses and another 500 in K-12 schools. As Confucian Institutes have become controversial, many have shut down.

The Times of Israel reports the United States fucking Government has been hacked: 'US officials suspect a massive hacking operation that hit numerous government agencies and has been linked to Russia breached networks tied to the country’s nuclear weapons stockpile, Politico reported Thursday.' They got the nukes. We assume 'Russia' is Deep State for 'China'. These are the Feds, people. These are the guys who want to tell you wearing masks will stop the Wuhan Virus from Wuhan China.

Ben Shapiro tells us that San Francisco is renaming Abraham Lincoln High School. You know, during the Tobacco wars of the 90's, we tried to tell people that the health-Nazis wouldn't stop with cigarettes. And they didn't. We tried to tell people that the left wouldn't stop with Confederates, and so they haven't. Oh, and when someone criticizes Lincoln, Washington, or anyone else for making war upon the Sioux or whomever, just reply, 'You're goddamn right he did.' Concede nothing.

On the home front Oldest Daughter has decided she's a leftist and has decorated her room with leftwing slogans, 'black lives matter' and such a Bernie Sanders flag, etc etc. Our own Soviet flag hangs from her ceiling. 'Wait, you have a Soviet flag?' reader(s) may be asking. Heh, reader(s) should see our current FB pic. Anyway, this is fine. This blog has a certain respect for Mr. Sanders. Even if he gets the solution wrong, he understands the problem perfectly.

This blog tries to stick with what it knows, which is why we haven't blogged much about vaccines, quarantines, masks etc. As far as lockdowns go we think it's obvious they don't work. We also think it obvious we're seeing a surge in cases because it's flu season. Steve Sailer, who we say without irony is the smartest man on the internet, has some hard numbers for Covid and vaccine skeptics. Our own thought is that one of two things will happen to all of us. Either you get the vaccine or you get Covid. We are biased, though.

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