Tuesday, December 15, 2020

First time in a Limo, 'Doctor'?

That's a reference.

 Dr. Jill? Oh why not?

Tucker remarked last night, 'Doctor' Jill Biden has a PhD in education, which means basically nothing. As Ben Shapiro said just yesterday, unless you can crack open someone's chest and kickstart their heart, you should not call yourself  'doctor.'

At Wesley College the chair of the poli-sci department (which amounted to about a dozen of us, btw), Dr. Tony Armstrong, insisted we call him Tony and would sometimes hold class at the bar. 

We'd encounter academic credential insecurity at Raritan Valley Community College. Plenty of prof's insisted students address them as 'doctor'. The individual in the RVCC humanities department, upon whom we have and will exercise much literary revenge, felt compelled to sign off with this:

Instructor of History, Tenure-Track
Adjunct Coordinator
Department of Humanities, Social Science and Education

Tenure Track! Oh, my!

[Don't you think it's time you moved on?-Ed]


[It's been five years and...]

I said no.

We can throw some fancy letters after our name, we have an MA after all, in the American Revolution. A huge mistake, actually, as we should have gotten an MA in the Civil War. Those term papers would have been sooooo much more publishable. We turned most of our bachelor degree papers into magazine articles. 

A friend once asked us why we didn't work toward a PhD. We had no interest in taking the GRE and said flat out the amount of work that would go into a PhD was like five novels and 50 magazine articles. PhD Will, or World War 1990 Will? The choice was easy.

[Aren't you humble bragging?-Ed]

We are a highly talented and successful author of note who has published more in the last decade than these credentialed PhD types will in their entire lives.

We're not humble.

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