Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Star Warred

 Is this a thing? We think this might be a thing:

We are intrigued by Disney's grand Star Wars plans. Patty Jenkins directed Wonder Woman*, and that turned out ok, right? We dunno we haven't seen it. We've barely seen Iron Man. Look, people, we just don't watch comic book movies. 

If reader(s) haven't seen The Mandalorian, it works. It's being over-praised right now. It's not that good. But it's good. And that is refreshing after two decades of ball sucking Star Wars failures.

We admit there's a chance for Wokeness here. But I dunno. Jenkins says she's making a movie about two things she loves. That is, fighters and Star Wars. That sounds like code for disenchanted Gen-X Star Wars nerds like us. 

Others have pointed out that in all of these grand plans, there's not one reference to the sequels. So maybe Disney has learned its lesson. Remember, there's a difference between having ass-kicking female fighter-jocks and Woke, bitter lesbians bitching about men and their super-hero mothers.** Just look at Cara Dune in The Mandalorian. She's getting her own show. 

We'll keep our fingers crossed.

*If we want to leer at Gal Gadot, we'll just google her. Link provided for *informational* purposes only.

**The Critical Drinker is always right.

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