Friday, December 11, 2020

Friday Flag, Chanukah Edition

It's the second night of Chanukah and we should probably say something. 

Remember, Gentiles, Chanukah is a minor holiday and grew in importance only due to post-WWII Christmas hysteria. The big ones are Rosh Hoshana, Yom Kippur and of course, Charleton Heston week, sometimes called Passover. They don't even make a big deal about Chanukah over in Israel. Hmmm...wonder if the 300,000 or so South American Jews make a fuss. Probably.

Here we are lighting a minora last year and here's the Friday Flag:

That flag is a gift from a dear friend from college, 25 years ago now, who first got us into flying flags. It was a Jersey shore thing.

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