Is that it? I think that's it. You expected relief from the courts? You fucked up, you trusted them. I expect GOPs to challenge this in the senate during the congressional certification and if they don't, well, they won't need Will Stroock.
We found out about the dismissal last night while the Chindian men folk gathered around a fire pit drinking and smoking cigars. It was a fine night, wrapped up at 11:00 when the womenfolk told us to come home. We are not young men. We walked inside and there at the top of the stairs stood our 11 yr old, 'Daddy's home!' That was nice.
While Trump may not have had a good week, we did.
The onslaught from the UAE continues. What's up with that?
All formatting of World War 1990: Nederland is complete . December 15th, people.
We blew right through two chapters of The Great Nuclear War of 1975. They look really good. We'll spend this week going through the Korean War chapter and...and that's about it for fixing what's written. For the first time we're confident we'll have these 100,000 words good to go by 1 January. The question is how to proceed from there. We'll probably read a print out.
We're still writing the Matt trekking across the continent scenes and have gotten to about March, '76. What does he encounter? What does he find? Post ideas if you got them. On background, he's a former Boy Scout and HS gym teacher, about 30 years.
A reader asks about the 1st Marine Division and their battle on Iceland waaaaaay back in Arctic Storm which seems like another planet at this point. Will we ever learn more about that battle? Huh. Never thought of that. Now we do like to flesh out previous battles in passing, like General Roquejoffre talking about French II Corps around Wroclaw in Three Seas, and you'll see another scene like that about the Italians in The Final Storm. We have planned a short story compilation sometime in the distant future. That's not a bad idea.
Another reader commented that the DoD would have converted a Benjamin Franklin class missile boat into a Tomahawk weapons platform rather than a new Ohio. That's a good idea. But we already mentioned that they did so in Three Seas, damn it.
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