Sunday, December 20, 2020

Hey Gals, This is the Way

This blog thinks The Mandalorian is good. Good, not great. It's being over praised for very obvious reasons. As Mike Stoklosa of Red Letter Media has said, The Mandalorian is refreshingly 'not bad'. B+. Maybe we're just cynical and jaded. If Disney can really crank out a half dozen B+ Star Wars TV shows we'll be thrilled. 

In the season finale of The Mandalorian, Mando and his pals storm an Imperial battlecruiser. About halfway through we realized that four women* were kicking some serious Imperial butt. We thought cool. Then we thought, they wrote it this way without making a big deal about it. Here's four characters, they happen to be badass women, shooting** the ever living crap out of an Imperial battlecruiser. Also cool.

We have no idea what the writers were thinking. We don't know if they planned this all along, or, as they thought, why not make these characters women? Why not indeed?  The writers didn't pull a Kathleen Kennedy, that's for sure. This isn't liberal art. This isn't conservative art. No message, no points scored. It's just art. If John Favreau has any message at all, it's I'm not Kathleen Kennedy.

*Two Mandalorians, an assassin and a ranger.
**That was originally 'blowing'. Heh. 

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