Saturday, December 19, 2020

Saturday Updates

We'll be talking about The Mandalorian finale below. So be warned, ahead lie *SPOILERS*.

So we got our bloodwork back. Our cholesterol is well outside the safe range and our triglycerides have gone from 341 to 624. That ain't good. Two hundred is the high side of good. Because of the Wuhan Virus from Wuhan China we're getting less exercise than last year, though we're still getting exercise, and we've lost, like, 30 pounds. Some of this is the side effect of one of our medications. Bastards.

World War 1990: Nederland leads all the World War 1990 books in sales and Kindle Unlimited reads. Three reviews, yes we know the reviewers. So far, so good. Heh. No one in the Netherlands has bought it. Maybe no one will.

We have cleared the decks as it were and are now expending mental energy on World War 1990: The Final Storm. The novel stands at 38,000 words right now. We were worried that the events of Esercito Italiano take place before Saddam's War, but they really don't have to. In fact, it might work better if they don't. Now that we think about it, just now, Esercito Italiano has to come first. When the time is right we can expend some mental energy and write the beginning.

The Great Nuclear War of 1975 is 105,000 words, one hundred and five thousand words. We continue to think of things for Matt to encounter on his trek from Rhode Island to Indiana. We were going to read the Korean War chapter this week but put it off. Next week, we swear. Other than that we have to finish up the Autumn '76 chapter. The ideas keep coming, people. Right now we're inclined to break this up into three novels, with the first two coming out simultaneous like. 

HERE THERE BE SPOILERS. We have enjoyed season two of The Mandalorian, though we think it lacks the charm of season 1. Mando grew in a lot of ways.  But the show does have weaknesses. In most battle scenes Mando and his pals casually deal death to the Storm Troopers or whomever they're fighting. As such, these scenes have zero tension. Nothing's perfect. In the Season-2 finale, a CGI* Luke Skywalker shows up. We weren't as blown away as some of our friends, but we still thought, cool. Overall we'd give season 2 a B, which ain't bad considering the sequels.

*Very uncanny valley, BTW.

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