Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Relieve This

By now you've all seen the outrages in the so-called Covid relief bill. The items in question need no recitation here. The gall, the arrogance. They thought they'd get away with it. They actually thought people would take a $600 check, see the pork going to anything but actual Covid relief, shrug, and be grateful for the $600.

Understand something, reader(s). They weren't arguing over the size of the stimulus check. They were arguing over how much The Kennedy Center gets vs how much women's studies programs in Pakistan get.

This is Revolutionary France level myopia, folks. 

Zero Hedge reports that the Dems are going to give in to Trump's demand for $2,000 stimulus checks. This blog bloody well hopes so.

It's only money right? Rand Paul gave a very cogent speech on the senate floor yesterday. We suggest reader(s) take 7 minutes to watch. He begins with Modern Monetary Theory, which holds governments can print all the money they want. Why mock it anymore? That's exactly what the Feds are doing. Barry doubled the debt, Paul notes. So did W. The numbers are staggering. We noted the other day we've stopped caring. Why bother? 

We're at Revolutionary France level debt, people.

Antifa and BLM have been in the streets for months. Now the right is taking to the streets. Last weekend armed protestors occupied the Oregon state capitol. Protestors will converge on Washington on January 6th and again on Inauguration Day. Which will be hilarious. 

This is Revolutionary France level civil unrest, folks.

Remember, the French Revolution didn't begin with the storming of the Bastille, but the calling of the Estates General in 1789. History is a strange thing and people often don't realize they're in the moment till after it's over. 

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