You know, we became a GOP in 1994 because we thought the government was too big, needed trimming down, and needed reform. Twenty five years later, after massive and numerous Republican congressional victories, none of that happened. This week the GOP let a pork laden stimulus/relief bill get through. Veto it, Mr. President. Veto the bill and then veto it again and then veto the rubble. Six hundred bucks, I bet. Maybe they'll impress us this week, but this blog doubts it. Let 'em have the senate, we don't give a fuck anymore.
A great article in the Times of Israel about the new Israeli elections. Basically, the elections come down to Bibi and not-Bibi, with the not-Bibi options being two guys on the right who would be tougher on the palestinians* than Bibi. There's no left left, and that's a good thing. There's no Blue and White left either, and that's a bad thing. This was the center-right secular party of Will's dreams. We can see it now, walking out of the warm, welcoming waters of a Tel Aviv beach, reaching behind it to undo the clasp of its blue and white bikini top...We wonder how will Gal Gadot will vote?
Israeli demographics are fascinating. When the Soviet Union fell a million Jews made their way to Israel. They may be Jews, but they are still Russians who look at a problem and think, 'Why not crush problem beneath tread of tank?' Aerial Sharon** was Russian and his nickname was the Bull Dozer. See? Israeli also has a million and a half young people who came of age after the Oslo Accords and think 'peace' is a bad idea. Our wife's cousin married one and before he goes into a building, he likes to inspect the outside to make sure it's safe from rocket attack - in Pittsburg. Huge Steelers fans, BTW.
Speaking of, we just can't quit our NFL habit and are delighted there are games the next four days. So help us gods of Kobol it's a huge comfort to watch football with Mrs. Stroock while we go to bed. We love it. We do love it so. Ok, well, we'd say we like it.
Today we'll be working on more Matt scenes in The Great Nuclear war of 1975. He's through PA now and making his way across Ohio. We're going to get him to Indiana if it kills us. You know, we really don't know what Matt will find in Indiana. Family dead in the attack? Missing? Has his wife presumed Matt was killed and shacked up with someone else? You tell us, people.
**Warrior Jew.
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