Yesterday we wrote a couple of British scenes for The Great Nuclear War of 1975 and thought, it's time to go back over the MS. We read 20 pages or so and found great scenes with smooth text and transitions. We're quite pleased. We're also approaching the point where readthrough returns diminish mightily.
We spent a good chunk of time Sunday re-reading Richard Norton Smith's excellent Rockefeller bio to get as much of his personality in the book as we could. That means more than having the president forget people's names and saying, 'Hi-ya fella' to everyone. We laid the groundwork for his daughter Ann to be found. Actually there's a plausible path to survival. She's really into Native Americans. So when it all goes up, Ann is on a reservation in Arizona or something.
Sales of Nederland slowed but have now picked up. Sales of the other World War 1990 books also picked up and at the moment we're on a pace to match our best month in 2020. Arctic Storm is doing particularly well. That's the gateway book to the series, heh.
With Twitter purging and Parler nuked, Gab is surging. Heh, we rhymed. Those interested will have to be patient as Gab's servers are under immense pressure and were down at one point yesterday. Frankly we feared the worst. But no, Gab survives. Vive le Gab. As we said before, Parler relying on AWS was a huge, stupid mistake. Duh.
John Hinderacker at Powerline asks 'Who's Reeling' and gives us a history lesson making many of the same points we've made here. Politics being what it is the pendulum will swing, and almost certainly decisively in just two years. Read the whole thing as professor Reynolds would say.
A fascinating post by Steven Hayward, also at Powerline about the Deep State. They're 'rattled' he says. Scared it seems. 'Beyond the security question, this person told me the mob action has been a psychological blow on the DC bureaucracy which didn’t think such an open expression of tangible disrespect for the government was possible. In other words, the capitol mob was a blow to their status, and Washingtonians believe the entire protest represents more than just anger at the election outcome: the disrespectful spirit of the day represents a real threat to their power going forward. This is one reason for the paranoia of Democrats at the moment, and they worry that more such protests are not only possible but likely. Part of the reason there is such fury on the left to run Trump out of office right away is that DC is genuinely afraid of him and his followers. Machiavelli might approve.'
Looks like the equivalent of an army division is descending upon Washington for the inauguration. Antifa/BLM can torch any small business they want but storm the corridors of power and the Deep State will deploy overwhelming force. Fear is the path to the Dark Side, Yoda tells us. We were already there, Democrats. First slowly, then all at once.
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