Monday, January 25, 2021

Post Inauguration Week: The First Day

Did Joe Biden's first week disappoint us? Did Joe Biden let us down? Check out PJM Stephen Kruiser's review of the bloody first five days. By god, sir, no Joe Biden did not let us down. In fact, he exceeded our expectations. Well done, sir. Well done indeed. All is proceeding as we have foreseen. Now in casa de Stroock we refer to Kamala Harris as '47.

But let's talk. It's been 32 years since a GOP won a clean, solid 'the country likes what it see's and wants more of it' victory. That's nineteen freaking eighty-eighty, people. Nineteen eighty-eight. For you older reader(s) that's like people in 1988 talking about Eisenhower's reelection. Get it? 

[Wooooooowwwww....or Antony Eden-Ed]


In that same time the Dems won clean victories in 1996, 2008, and 2012. They stole 2020 of course. Reader(s) know 81 million people didn't vote for Joe. But even in 2016 the Dems still got three million more votes than the GOP. Ok, to be honest we think that three million Dem lead A), comes from California and 2), was probably fake anyway. Still....

We don't want to hear about smashing GOP congressional and state victories in 1994, 2002, 2010 and almost certainly 2022. It just doesn't matter that much. The GOP can't seem to win. This blog has some ideas, but it's nothing reader(s) won't have heard before. Whatever we're doing, we're doing it wrong.

1 comment:

  1. I am though with the republican party to many times they promised stuff on the campaign trail only to wimp out once they get to Washington tried of limp wristed spinless politicians behind closed doors their is no difference between a republican and democrat politician
