Saturday, January 2, 2021

The First Saturday Update of 2021

Mrs. Stroock's winter purge continues apace. She went through  the kitchen drawers yesterday like the citizens of a Soviet ag commune wielding rapiers upon fields of grain to meet the harvest quota. We saw some superglue lying on the counter, took it and said, 'We'll just put this over with the other glue in the craft bureau,' to which she replied, 'Do not interfere with my process.' That glare. After 22 years of marriage we should have known better. Rookie mistake, men. What were we thinking?

We're flying the Union Jack to celebrate Brexit and ran up and down the street waving it like a sloshed football hooligan. A dear friend, the Jersey shore boy who got us into flying flags in the mid-90s, suggested we do that with a Klingon flag and bring glory to our neighborhood. And so we shall.

Powerline has some 2021 predictions. So does Legal Insurrection. We think this talk of Joe getting the 25th Amendment treatment is overblown. The Delaware Dunce is nothing more than a vessel, and they'll keep him upright. Speaking of being upright, or not, President Harris would be too risky. She has a mind of her own. Mr. Harris better watch out if Willie Brown is brought onboard.*

We agree the Georgia races are 50/50. That's probably at best. A win will give the party of Jew hater Raphael Warnock the big cheese. But this blog wouldn't hit the panic button. Politics being what it is, the pendulum will swing, and as happened to the incumbent party in '94, '06, '10, and '14, the party of Jeff Davis will be annihilated.** That gives the party of anti-American congresswoman Ilhan Omar two years.  

During his first two years, Barry Soetoro and the Dems passed the porkulous and Obamacare. So there's your benchmark. It's hard to get things done even when you control everything. Ask Newt and the 104th Congress. We were there, interning for Senator William V. Roth of Delaware. Oh, the intraparty gridlock. Newt came to loath the freshman firebrands who insisted they live up to their promises. Heh, and Dole hated Newt and the House GOPs.

Across the pond, Boris is back in our good graces for now. It's hard not to be pleased with the deal. We'd give it a B, a B+ even. It seems to this blog that Britain retains some of the economic connections with the EU, but does so as an independent nation. Which means the relationship can always be revised. The political severance is total. The cord is cut, and that is what matters in the long run. We think Brexit could hasten Irish unification and even Scottish independence. Remember Will's phrase for 2021, first slowly than all at once. 

On to the things. 

World War 1990: Nederland is selling great, just like Three Seas did, in fact. Overall December sales were up by a third over September, October and November, all of which were good months. Well done, we say. Well done indeed. That series is a winner, and we'll crank out novels in that universe once a year for as long as we have ideas. 

We sort of inadvertently did the Saturday update yesterday, so consider yourselves updated on The Great Nuclear War of 1975.

On The Final Storm front, we've found the novel's center, as it were, or two centers. Think, the Death Star trench attack. Derivative as hell, of course. But that's fine, the Death Star trench attack was based on The Dam Busters, sometimes shot for shot and beat for beat. As Lemy Kilmeister once said, it's all derivative. We plan on writing a scene per day while he tidy up TGNW75. Also, we've added some Ruski intrigue, 'I am sorry, Comrade Secretary, but I am unable to authentic these launch codes at this time.'

On a side note, we're trying something where we work on this blog and social media posts from the time we wake up till 9. Then we begin writing. We'll see.

*Make your jokes, people. Make your jokes. 

**Didn't happen in '98 and '02, so if you enjoy feelings of existential dread, there you go. You're welcome.

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