Thursday, January 21, 2021

Will Goes the Full Prague

Liz Cheney (R-Haliburton) is in trouble. Hot Air reports half the GOP House Caucus has signed a petition to remove the war profiteer's daughter from her leadership post. Back home in America, state senator Anthony Bouchard is challenging Cheney in the Wyoming GOP primary.  Never trust Wyoming establishment GOP. Twenty years ago, our own cousin, Ambassador Thomas F. Stroock, didn't lift a finger to help us get a job in W's White House.  This blog doesn't know what will happen with Cheney or with the GOP in the next few years. We do know there's no point in winning a great big victory in 2022 with the likes of Liz Cheney running things. We've seen that show, so no thanks. Liz Cheney should be defenestrated...metaphorically speaking, from her leadership post.

Ace tells us that Trump is considering forming a third party. Reader(s) don't need this blog to tell them it's a mistake. We're not going to lecture about the need for unity and loyalty to the party apparatus. In a word or two, fuck them. The GOP-e has never been weaker (see above) and rather than forming a third party, patriots would do better to take over the GOP infrastructure. This is not that hard to do. Example- back in 2010 the party wanted Charlie Crist in Florida, but the base said no thanks and nominated Marco Rubio. So what to do? We had this brainstorm, just now, like 2 minutes ago taking Youngest Daughter to the bus stop. If/when you get GOP fundraising mail, send the envelope back with a protest note. We will today. It's a start. 

Midnight's Edge has a short video describing the long civil war at Disney's Lucasfilm between the John Favreau faction and the Kathleen Kennedy faction. Basically, the Favreau faction is loyal to George Lucas' Star Wars vision while the Kennedy faction hates Lucas and Luke Skywalker and sought to use Star Wars as a canvass upon which to project their feminism. The force is female, after all. Giving Star Wars to people who don't like Star Wars was a terrible mistake. Hence the sequels. Midnight's Edge is always right. 

Steve Sailer writes about the Wilson Administration's war on German Americans. About half of white America traces its heritage back to Germany and a hundred years ago German was as ubiquitous on American streets as Spanish is today. When the AEF occupied the Rhineland after the war, thousands of German speaking Doughboys looked up relatives. Quote Sailer, 'Although we are constantly lectured on the crucial role of immigrants in American history, the vast contributions of Germans to American culture have been vanishingly hard to notice for the last century due to the anti-German craze unleashed during the Great War, which shoved German-Americans into becoming the least assertive of our ethnicities.' The Stroocks thought we were Dutch till our sister's research found that Samuel Stroock, who arrived in America in the 1850s, was born in Germany. Why did our grandfather, born 1922, think he was Dutch? Our best theory remains that given anti-Kraut sentiment, the family decided being Dutch was a better idea than being one of those sinister Germans. 


  1. It could be a simple misunderstanding in the 19th and early 20th most germans were called Dutch because of the way Germany is pronounce in native German

  2. Nope. My grandfather new people who knew Sam Stroock. He arrived in Philly, btw, so there's really no need to hide your German heritage.

  3. Better german than french not even the French want to be french

  4. Your cousin in Wyo was insulating your backside. Who was interviewed and why????
