By this blog's count at least three leftlib pundits broke down in tears on air yesterday. Seriously? For Joe Freakin' Biden? Euphoric tears of Joy for President Nap Time? Are they fucking serious? They're Fucking Serious.
They did this before, you know. They did this twelve years ago when the Light Bringer came to Washington from William Ayers' apartment. Barry Soetoro was transformative, remember? He was the one who was going to redeem all our racial sins. Where there was injustice, Barry would bring justice. Where there was sorrow, Barry would bring joy. For he did say that he could lower the seas after winning the Texas Democrat Primary. Hope!
Now here the Dems are again, leg humping a new president. And in very short time they'll lug hump once more, next time over Willie Brown's girlfriend. Ah, we can see it now. Thousands of unfuckable feminist harpies gathering in Times Square and BLM plaza, screeching like teeny bobbers at the Beatles 1965 Shea Stadium concert whilst clad in their pussy-hats. Soon. So soon. This blog puts the over/under at 475 1/2 days.
That just scares the crap out of us. Because those inclined to think the next guy (or gal) in line is sort of a god standing over the country* will also be inclined to think you're sort of the devil, or at least not totally down with the transgendered thing. Either/or. Joe 'you know, the thing' Biden is they're new light bringer. You, we, I, this blog, they're comin' after us, man. Paranoia has never been more justified or reasonable. And if this blog suddenly disappears, just remember that Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.
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