Thursday, May 26, 2022

The Thursday Downer

Red State has an interesting article about the prevalence of SSRI antidepressants among school shooters. SSRI's are serotonin inhibitors. Serotonin is a brain juice, in layman's terms, that effects your mood. Off kilter serotonin levels can lead to depression, anger, hair-trigger temper etc. We know of what we speak.

We found this paragraph particularly interesting:

Perhaps the most serious effect could be the “emotional blunting” (or detachment) that has been linked to SSRI use. Some people who have taken the drugs report “not feeling” or “not caring” about anything. Not feeling and not caring could explain how these mass shooters have the capacity to engage in horrific, evil conduct that most of us can’t even fathom.

We're not on one now, but we took an SSRI for a decade and a half starting in 2005. Let's just say the above paragraph resonated. No, we're not an unfeeling or uncaring mass-shooter. But we've noticed there's all kinds of crap we don't care about anymore. As far as the Yankees go, who in the late 90's determined our mood the next morning, we haven't caught an inning in years. The Giants (bear in mind that Super Bowl XXV is still a top 5 moment in my life), well, we couldn't careless. The same goes wargames, most TV shows, etc. We do the things we have to do and we write, and that's pretty much it. 

The numbing is real.

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