Monday, July 18, 2022

European Heatwave 2022: Rothschild Boogaloo

[He thought that one up all by himself folks. Slow clap him, slow clap him-Ed]

Good morning, Stroock's Books collective. 

For the hell of it we did four miles on the treadmill yesterday. We didn't go to the gym planning to do so. But we felt good after the half hour mark and decided to keep going. By about forty minutes or so we knew we were going all the way. The run was airy, light, and breezy. First run all year.

Sometime today we'll receive the final version of World War 1990: The Weser. Assuming all is well we'll tell 'em to turn it into a Kindle file and that will be all. We fear. 

The plan for the rest of the summer is to finish editing The Great Salvation of 1976 and finish writing The New American Order. But as it is written...

One of the collective's Confederate members asked about a 'what if' where we only fight Japan in WWII. That's kinda sorta in the background of The Austrian Painter. See also Hector C. Bywater's The Great Pacific War which is very much a 1920s era technothriller.  Just think of all those resources going against Japan rather than Germany. Poor bastards. 

Guido Fawkes presents the Tory leadership race state of play as of this morning. None of these people impress us and we don't care. We did see a poll, via Guido, that has Kemi Badenoch is leading among the Tory rank and file. Prime Minister Badennoch would be interesting, and gall the left no end and lead to all kinds of Labour racism. Nevertheless, we shrug.

Meanwhile, the Israeli government is still prosecuting Netanyahu. This blog was unaware that was still a thing, and calls for Bibi to flee the country and seek asylum in....I dunno. We yawn. Go away. Bibi...or Boomer?

Related: The Times of Israel reports on the heat wave in Europe: 'The British Met Office has issued its first-ever “red warning” of extreme heat for Monday and Tuesday, with temperatures in southern England potentially reaching 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit) for the first time in recorded history.' Members of this blog's Confederate Contingent are laughing. So's this Jersey guy. DC Councilman Trayon White would blame the Rothschilds and their weather machine and would certainly agree with the imam's assessment of the Jew's overall intelligence and cleverness. 

Monday Metal....When you got nothing, you still got The Answer:

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