Monday, July 11, 2022

Last Day at The Stroock Northern Strategic Direction

We'll be heading back to New Jersey tomorrow having accomplished the things we wanted to accomplish here. 

On a personal note, we're already worrying about packing and cleaning up. [What is this the Thursday Downer?-Ed] No. But we are noticing that since we cut back on the meds, we worry and obsess over stuff a lot more. [Maybe you should go back to popping pills-Ed] I dunno. There's always a tradeoff. 

We spent a couple of hours yesterday elbow deep in the downstairs toilet trying to improve the flush, which had gotten increasingly slow. Two different snakes later the flush was no better. We informed our sister. She asked, 'Is the sewage pump on?' We hang our head in shame. 

A man of letters, a titan of the indy publishing field, a giant among his piers in alternate history, a professor renowned for his knowledge, ability to hold a classroom's attention, and sense of humor, corrected by our sister, responsible for this:

A new Civiqs poll puts Joe's approval at 29%. Democrat moral is collapsing, just as we theorized. Joe's not doing enough to defend abortion, and the press is writing about his senility and dementia? What's the end game here? An announcement that Joe's not running? Invoking the 25th Amendment? This blog maintains that 'Doctor' Jill is being prepared for the presidency. 

On to the Jews...Joe is visiting Israel this week. What are the odds he says something both impolite and stupid, 'I've always admired how you people are good with money,' or some such?

Okay, seriously...The Jerusalem Post has a writeup on Iron Dome and the new Iron Bean anti-missile system, funding, and proposals to sell it to the Saudis. The Jews really do have lasers and weather machines, to. [You said 'seriously' -Ed], 'During his visit, Biden and Gantz are also set to discuss the idea of a regional air defense alliance which the defense minister has touted in recent weeks as already having had successes in downing Iranian aerial threats.' Reminder,  Arabs don't care about the palestinians. 

One more chapter to go with The Weser. We'll do it today. 

We're cross posting this at Substsack. Why not?

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