Sunday, July 10, 2022

Will has no Good Idea for the Week of 7/10/22

Some mornings we wake up and don't have a whole lot to say.

This blog has been active for 7 years. It's cross-posted at Goodreads. Would cross-posting at Substack do anything? Probably not. 

We will hit 5000 posts on Saturday.

[And then what-Ed?]

And then what, indeed. 

One more chapter to go on The Weser.  

Our final proofer is done as well. 

We wore our 'Don't Tread on Me' hat to the Lake Garfield beach yesterday. Nothing. 

Debka File has an interesting analysis of Hezbollah's drone attack on the Karish gas field last week. Nut graph, as the J-School losers say,  'This was meant as a declaration that a new page had been opened in its contest against Israel over the oil and gas fields of the Mediterranean.'

Sticking with the People of the Book...

For this fall's election, The Times of Israel is doing a poll of polls, Real Clear Politics style. This blog would like to see the centrist Blue and Whites come back. Of course Bibi winning again would piss off all the right people. Likud is the strongest block. Whoever wins, the left loses in Israel. There is no left. Meretz is polling at 2.1%. Labor at 5.7%. Exit question. Can Labor ever come back?

1 comment:

  1. I for one will miss your blog been reading it from the start will be sad to see it go
