Monday, July 25, 2022

Monday Melancholy and Melancholy Monday Metal

The cold, or whatever it is, seems to have abated. We still have a little bit off a cough, though. 

The summer has slowed down for us. That's a good thing. An odd melancholy has fallen over us. It's hard to explain. 

[Why do you keep talking about your feelings?-Ed]

I could talk about politics.

[Fair point-Ed]

Let's talk about writing.

Gee, what's the solution to this institutional racism? The publishing industry was long ago taken over by chicks, which is why the shelves at Barnes & Noble and Borders before that were dominated by romance novels, vampire lit, novels about just pretty enough urban gals living in exposed brick apartments in Brooklyn, etc etc...Yeah, these women may claim to be tough and independent, but what they really want is a big strong man...

[Sighhhhhh...Don't forget sensitive-Ed]

Sales of World War 1990: The Weser are good so far. For now, The Weser is available for download, not KU streaming. This is a little publishing trick. While sales used to be a wash, today we make more from the download than KU. Actually, KU reads of the other novels are up slightly. 

On to Monday Metal. We'd always heard Led Zeppelin was hideous at Live Aid in 1985. We don't have patience for artists who think they had a bad set. Usually they're just nitpicking themselves about things the audience can't even heat. Well, here's Led Zeppelin at Live Aid:

Yikes. Plant sounds like crap. Page is out of tune. Holy-hell it's awful. It's been a long time indeed...

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