Sunday, July 24, 2022

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 7/24/22

We're feeling more ourselves this afternoon and we got a good idea.

We've gone through the Great Salvation of 1976 and here's what we have:

-America recovering

-Public works projects like a Mississippi River cutoff and the trans-Alaskan pipeline

-A war in Korea

-Matt making his way through Pennsylvania, Ohio

-Planning for the election of 1976

-A presidential reconstruction commission 

-Vignettes in schools and libraries

-The Soviet city of Ulan Ude

-70,000 words

Is it enough? We've a nagging feeling the answer to that question is no, nyet, nay, nein.  

With the Korean War chapter, readers learn a tonne about what's going on in Japan and China. Should we add another foreign section? Maybe more Thatcher in the UK? We must dwell on this.


  1. About half way through the new book I love it the best one yet

  2. Ok just finished the book it is the best you ever written the scene about the rabbi baptism had me crying and remembering my own baptism by a navy rabbi while in Somila while in the Marines very well done sir you did the South proud and I truly thank you

    1. That's very kind of you to say. So glad you liked it. Thank you, sir.
