Thursday, July 7, 2022

Readying Ourselves for the Post-Boris (post-tosser) Era

Greetings from the bucolic Berkshires. The birds are chirping. Unidentified mammals are splashing in the canal (beaver, muskrat, otter, who knows? Probably not a beaver as we didn't hear the distinctive slap of the tail). The water is calm save for the weed cutter on the far end of the lake. But there is trouble here at The Stroock Northern Strategic Direction.

The Stroock family boat, Waterproof, is being decommissioned. It's time. We plan on turning Waterproof into a fireship and launching it at some neighbors who pissed us off. It's either that or a Viking funeral. Either way, fire. 

Our basement has a major mold problem and will have to be gutted, with carpet and subfloor coming out and the wall 'flood cut' to three feet. We can probably do this with our brother-in-law and nephews. 

Bo-Jo go go. Boris Johnson is leaving Number 10. As we write this we've no idea how long Boris' exit will take or who will be the next PM. We don't really care. We always said Johnson would eventually be PM and Britain might as well get it over with. Well Britain has. Boris smashed Labour in the 2019 election and got Brexit done. With a commanding majority in the commons, Boris could have achieved much. Instead he achieved nothing. What might have been. God save the Queen.

We will receive today the proof of World War 1990: The Weser. We'll begin reading tomorrow.

The Great Salvation of 1976 manuscript is looking better.

Ten more posts till 5,000 posts. Just like we thought, we'll hit 5,000 right before our 49th birthday. 

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