Saturday, July 9, 2022

Saturday Updates

This is post 4992. Eight more to go. 

We live in a nation where leftwing thugs harass a Supreme Court justice at dinner, and then thousands join in the online attack on the restaurant in which he was dining. After George Floyd overdosed, and the ensuing violence, we wore a MAGA hat everywhere we went. That's not good enough anymore, is it?

Lake Buel at night:

As our boat is decommissioned, and we don't have a beach, we took the girls to the public beach on Lake Garfield five minutes up the road. Our grandmother would not be pleased. 

We had a decent work week here in the Stroock Northern Strategic Direction. We feel The Great Salvation of 1976 is on track and getting better.

We read half of World War 1990: The Weser yesterday and are finding annoying, nitpicky errors. This is why we read the physical proof. Reading brings a flood of emotions, calm, temporary panic, fear, more temporary panic...[You sound like a woman-Ed.] I'm not proud. Also not joking.

 Overall, the story is good, flows and makes sense. This is it. 

Our latest 'what if' should be out early next week. Or so we are told. What next?

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