Sunday, July 31, 2022

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 7/31/22

We realized yesterday that we could throw out our notes on Apache attack helicopters, Challenger tanks, the East German Army, etc etc...

The Amazon algorithm has yet to kick in for World War 1990: The Weser. When the algorithm does pop, watch out. 

Pointless nostalgia: It was 20 years ago this summer that we were converting a term paper about Alfred the Great into a magazine article. Here is that magazine article: The Wars of Alfred the Great, published December 2004. The piece is also on the sidebar at right. Magazine publishing often has a long lead time.

More pointless nostalgia: It was 30 years ago that we were waiting for Clint Eastwood's Unforgiven to hit theatres. We'd been anticipating Unforgiven since seeing it in previews the month before. Thirty Here's the original trailer.  Why look back in awe? There wasn't much good about this time period. We mourn the passage of time.

[Are all us reader(s) your therapist then? Should we write in comments, 'That's all the time we have for today?-Ed]


We're hoping to crank out 10,000-15,000 words this month toward finishing The New American Order. That's our good idea. But overall, we have several open projects and feel like we're staring into the abyss. 

[What the...?-Ed]

Where's our juju?

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