Saturday, August 13, 2022

Saturday Updates

I look good, there's no getting around it. That's the new pontoon boat. We much prefer it to the motorboat. 

We'll be heading home this afternoon after a pretty successful week up here at the Stroock Northern Strategic direction. 

We got another mold remediation estimate, yikes. That's probably half of the total cost of repairing the basement.  

They finally got Salman Rushdie. The man is 75 years old and was stabbed several time. Even if he lives, he'll never be the same. M Steyn has some cogent thoughts on Mr. Rushdie, and also the FBI raid. If you believe the talk about nuclear codes, then can I interest you in some Arkansas real-estate opportunities. 

A friend and fan from a European nation that's really good at winter sports who likes to ask for our thoughts on American political events from the MAGA point view, wanted to know if it is time to admit that the president had done something illegal. We replied, 'Lemme know when the Feds raid Chappaqua. I don't care.'

So the Dems passed the BBB boondoggle or whatever they're calling it now. Every Dem in the house voted yea. Big surprise there, that's sarcasm. This blog always said they'd pass something. The bill's about half spending with $433 billion in environmental pork and medical goodies. That's over ten years. We don't mean to play this down, but originally the Dems wanted to spend nearly eight times that. This bill is mostly goodies to constituents and virtue signaling for the bicoastal AWFLs. In that sense it's no more important than Obama's porkulus. I mean, what's more spending? There's also the 87,000 IRS agents. There's the horrifying part.

Our French is coming along pretty good on Duolingo. Au revoir, a Demain. Je Habite a New Jersey. Je ici a Great Barrington. Right? Paris 2023 here we come. 

The things.

Sales of World War 1990: The Weser gain momentum. The Weser cracked the top 50 yesterday. Thirty-six ratings, 4.5 + stars.

At the same time The Great Nuclear War of 1975 hovers around the top 50. Four hundred and thirty-six ratings, 4 + stars. 

Our people are still reading the Aftermath of 1976.

We spent all week working on the refugee chapter of The New American Order. The Quebec subplot has really blown up. We need to reorganize the chapter so the Quebec stuff shows up organically. Also, we have a subplot where the MACV stat team (remember them?) is working on casualty figures. They're actually gonna call up the guys who wrote the report on the war.  Ryan and Heath are now on Admiral Larry Chambers' staff. We think this kind of crap is interesting. Also, this gives us a chance to write about the economic and population booms in the mountain west, as the MACV team is in Coeur de Alene, Idaho. Overall, 52,000 words and we're optimistic as all fuck. 

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