Sunday, August 14, 2022

Will's Ideas for the Week of 8/14/22, Bad and Silly

Sunday...and we're back and everything is fine. 

What's going on today?...blah-blah Biden, blah-blah Trump.

We saw our first campaign ad last night, minding our own business as Mrs. Stroock watched her Phillies against the Mets. They're running against Trump and 'defending our democracy.' Seriously. BTW, this PJ Media writer argues they're gonna indict and arrest Trump. She's right, isn't she? JFC, what then? 

Reminder: Trump won.

A decade ago we emoted a tonne on FB about Barry and Obamacare etc etc. We don't emote on FB anymmore...much. We don't really use our Twitter account for emoting either. We emote on Gab, but the audience is smaller. Go back to emoting on FB? Maybe we just want people we know to know how we feel. A bad idea.

What's the week ahead looking like? We'll continue our work on The New American Order's refugee chapter. We'll need to reorder things but we think we can wrap it up this week. Maybe we'll try to wrap up the sovereignty chapter as well. It only needs a scene or two. Coming along. Can we get to 60,000 words by Saturday? The New American Order inadvertently became the Summer Sneak in. 

Has our re-re-reading of Andrew Marr's History of Modern Britian kicked off a reading project about Britian? In a lot of ways, we hope not. It's been done. Blah-blah British Cool, blah-blah snooker.

We had a silly idea for a novel driving home yesterday. A man is zapped a hundred years into the future and see's what's become of his family, America, the world, etc. We shrug. Not what the readership is looking for. [Why don't you continue devoting mental energy to that space war thingy, eh? Sub-Ed] Yes, and I can write about the Canadian Space Navy's Justing Trudeau...

1 comment:

  1. Not sure how the Trump raid is playing in the north east but for the first time here in Tennessee at church I've actually heard people talking about it's time to secede again this is not coming from just Trump supporters either but from people from both sides of the aisle even the Democrats down here are mad about this and thinks there party went to far their is a real anger boiling down here and I'm not sure how it will go plus people down are really upset about arming IRS agents
