Wednesday, August 24, 2022

The Morning After and the Morning After a Pill

Richard Baris on the GOP, the GOPe and last night's elections:

Yeah...milquetoast Paul Ryan clones talking about business-friendly climates and tax regulations ain't gonna get it done. 
As Joe prepares to capitulate to Iran, The Times of Israel reports: 'Israeli F-35 stealth fighters penetrated Iranian airspace several times in the last two months, a Saudi-run news outlet reports. The unverified report in London-based Elaph says the jets successfully evaded Russian and Iranian radars during the exercises.' They're clever, aren't they? Just like the imams say. A message to the mullahs, but also Joe.

Additionally, Debka File tells us that war is possible over Israel's new natural gas facility. Read the whole article, but here's the final word, 'Defense Minister Benny Gantz warned Iran’s Lebanese proxy on Monday that any attack on Israel’s gas field “could trigger a reaction leading to several days of fighting and to a military campaign,” although “that’s not what we want,” he said.' Several days, huh? How many days are in several? Exit question: how many rocket caches and how much infrastructure can the Israelis destroy in a 'several days?'

The Thursday Downer on Wednesday. After ten days of new meds, we're cranky and irritable. We are ending the new med plan immediately. It will take us a few days to come off them and come down. After making that decision last night we felt relief. We'll be back to one pill, to help us sleep at night. Experiment over. 

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