Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Hezbo No Go Four Oh

We had a nice hour long treadmill session yesterday. 

So we woke up this morning and realized it's our 24th wedding anniversary. Mrs. Stroock and I really don't make a big deal out of anniversaries anymore, who has the time? Though we are planning a grand trip for number 25 next year. Had things gone according to plan that would have been Israel.* Right now we're planning to head back to Europe. 

Staying on the subject of anniversaries, yesterday was Hezbollah's 40th. The IDF was shocked by Hezbollah's equipment and fighting capability. The IAF was unable to stop Hezbo rockets. But sixteen years after the 2006 war, we have come to believe Israel won the war, inflicting greater pain on Hezbollah then we thought when we sat down to write our first article on the subject that autumn. We have published that article for free on Substak. Click on through. 

From the Trafalgar Group, in Ohio JD Vance leads Tim Ryan by five.  And check out their gubernatorial poll in which Mike DeWine is shellacking the competition. Vance's lead will increase and the national election will settle into historical norms. The smart money is on the GOP taking the senate, with Kemp pulling Walker over the finish line. 

*That is, no Wuhan Virus from Wuhan China. Speaking of, Fauci is retiring. Hopefully he'll spend 2023-24 testifying before congress, preparatory to prosecution by the DeSantis Administration. AG Christ Christie? We love idea of AG Chris Christie. Clay Travis has Fauci's measure. We were discussing masks with a fellow North American yesterday. When told to don a mask, we go nuclear right off. 'No. Did you hear what I told you? I said no!' Don't be afraid to make a scene. Exit question, how long before one starts ridiculing people for wearing masks? [Be smart, don't-Ed]

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