Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Watching out for Aquatic Life

Welcome, Stroock's Books reader(s) to the afternoon post from the beach. 

Earlier we saw a shadow in the water near Middle Daughter and thought it was a horseshoe crab. Turned out it was a stingray. Just one stingray out of a whole pod around her, actually. 'Hey! Look!' we shouted. 'Ahhhhh! Get away from me!' Middle Daughter screamed as she ran in the water like a Japanese fishing boat fleeing Godzilla. 

Rich Baris (whom smart election watchers should watch) makes an interesting argument that Ron DeSantis is great in Florida but would be out of his league nationally and in DC. Baris is a Trump man. Speaking of, yet another poll came out yesterday showing Trump would beat Joe in a hypothetical matchup. I've seen enough. After everything, Trump would win.

Working on scenes in The New American Order where people are listening to the radio (ideas?) while President Rockefeller speaks during the second night of the Republican National Convention in 1980. This starts to winddown the  book. Al Haig speaks on the 3rd and final night. Hmmm...who's Haig's veep? Thoughts? We haven't mentioned him yet, but maybe Pat Buchanan survived The Great Nuclear War of 1975 and is working for Haig. Hmmm... Cannon would hate that.

That convention is somewhere in the western plains or the Mountain West. Maybe North Platte, Nebraska. In the future America is going to be a mountain/prairie republic based on the Snake, the Platte, the Columbia, the Colorado and especially the Missouri. America will important a lot of items from Japan and a resurgent Great Britain. 

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