Monday, August 29, 2022

Harry Styles Update from the Beach

A fine day at the beach yesterday. Plenty of sun, not too hot, the water was great:

I know, I look great. Not bad for 49. 

Some Hitler cosplayer told this Jew to get off Gab yesterday. We replied, 'We've been on Gab* since 2016. Et toi, newbie?'

The New York Times calls for Trump's indictment. One may be a GOP and not like Trump. This blog prefers DeSantis is 2024. But it's obvious they'll, they, them, will do this to the next guy. Get Trump no matter what. Where does the NYTs think this ends? [Those are some soft, weasel words for some real Banana Republic shit-Ed] I know. 

We managed a little work on The New American Order's 1980 chapter yesterday and will manage a bit more work today.

Hmmm....sales of all World War 1990 books spiked yesterday. We didn't do anything, except write awesome books packed with good ideas, action and substance. We suspect the Amazon algorithm for the sales bump. Is it a pre-Labor Day thing? Huh...? the Amazon marketplace widget is now showing us options for Poland and Sweden. 

The former head of Mossad confirms what the imams have always known'Former Mossad chief Yossi Cohen says Israel carried out “countless operations” against Iran’s nuclear program when he led the spy agency, also hitting out at the emerging nuclear accord between Iran and world powers.' As noted many times, just imagine what we don't know about. There will be a deal. Then what?

Monday not Metal. We have a 12-year-old. She's really into Harry Styles. He won something on the MTV Video Music Awards last night, three VMAs in all. We caught a fair amount of the show. What a-musical trash. Lizzo, you're fat. Not Harry, though. He's fine. And his acceptance speech was gracious. 

*When 'Eleanor from Grab', who I think is Andrew Torba's wife, had to personally approve everyone. 

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