Friday, August 19, 2022

Will has Never Been to Ground Zero...

We have been prepping for and are anxiously awaiting the arrival of furniture from our dad's house.  Also, there's some old furniture on the curb, and there's always the possibility that the garbage guys won't take it all, even though Friday is bulk day. 

Dear trolls: there is no such thing as a bad review, and thanks for the sales spike. Seriously. Someone could write, 'Will Stroock writes like a middle-aged loser and I'm burning this book,' and someone will read the review and say, 'I like middle-aged losers.' These people would understand that if they knew anything about publishing and book sales. I sell lots of books and you don't. 

The New York Post reports the 9/11 Tribute Museum is closing. We're supposed to be sad about this. I dunno. This is the museum that once sold a 9/11 cheese plate. Here The Post righteously slams the museum gift shop. We've been to Pearl Harbor. Yes, there was a gift shop* (filled with Japanese tourists WTF?)**. No the gift shop wasn't on the Arizona Memorial. We can't quite put our finger on it, but there's always been something unseemly about the whole thing. ***

This is stupid: 'Berlin police opened an investigation into Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Friday, according to German media. He is being investigated for Holocaust denial - a criminal offense in Germany.' Who knew der Krauts could be funny? This is the nation that prosecuted a 97 year old woman because she did some clerical work at a camp, for a few months, when she was 18. And of course there's the John Demjanjuk case, reopened by the Krauts when he was in his 90s. That'll show 'em!

It is the wise man who, from time to time, reconsiders his beliefs. The shellacking of the profiteer's daughter by pissed of Wyomingites seems a good time as for such reconsideration. Merely calling...that woman a war profiteer's daughter shows this blog has had a change of heart, no? Maybe we finally believe the old leftist narrative from the mid 2000s about, Bush, Cheney and the war? Not quite.  

Long time readers of Stroock's Books know this blog has stubbornly defended W and his record. But liberating Afghanistan doesn't matter anymore. As far as rallying the nation after 9/11, see above. TARP saved the banks and was 99 percent paid back. But why weren't those poor saps who took adjustable-rate mortgages saved too? The Iraq War? We wouldn't do it again. 

* We bought a lovely USS Missouri Hawaiian shirt.

**And an old Japanese man who was, we swear to god, using his hands to make diving airplane gestures as if he'd been there before...

***Were people tired of Pearl Harbor Day in 1962?

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