Thursday, August 18, 2022

I killed Dick Cheney...

...In World War 1990: Operation Eastern Storm. In a lot of ways Dick Cheney would have been a better president than W. The man had been in government since the 70s and proved to be a capable administrator. Back in 2000, when Bush and Gore acted like a couple of 8th graders during their first debate, pundits were praising the Cheney/Lieberman veep debate. Go watch it. Dick and Joe sit at a table like a couple of adults and have a conversation. We've always liked Dick Cheney, a pleasant, mild mannered personality, at least in public. 

Did Dick Cheney's duplicitous, opportunist demon spawn [Is that the best you can do?-Ed] really compare herself to Lincoln and Grant? She compared herself to Lincoln and Grant. Did she overdo it? Was this the equivalent of the Dean Scream? 

The girls are getting some new furniture and we painted their room a very light pink yesterday. They wanted a girly-girl pink, but we said no. We did a lot better than we thought we would. That called for a cigar and a beer on a cool New Jersey summer night. 

Thursday Downer: After consultations with the doctor we decided to try one of the meds we previously dropped. For five days now we've been gradually getting on the med (one starts slowly) and recording our mood and general disposition. Our initial impression is the med is working. 

What Will's Watching: Press Your Luck. They brought it back, with the same Whammy graphics. Fun. But the rebooted Press You Luck is an example of the entertainment industry's decline. This is pointless nostalgia. No whammy! No whammy! No whammy!

Ace reports on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis's proposal to let vets teach. Teachers and their union oppose the idea of course. They ludicrously argue that DeSantis wouldn't let people become cops or nurses without proper training. Again ludicrous. Having spent a tonne of time in the teacher's lounge, we can assure reader(s) that teachers really think they're on par with nurses and cops, superheroes even. Teaching isn't rocket science and teachers ain't no Oppenheimers. 

Figuring out how to control the classroom is half the battle. Throw the newb in and let him figure it out. That's what they did with me. You gotta become a complete prick to do that. Freak out about something trivial, like a phone out in the open. Then break a chair or something. We once ripped a blackboard off the wall. Once the newbs figure that out, they can settle down and teach and act like an actual human towards their students. And don't try to be the cool teacher. [You did-Ed]. I didn't try to be cool, I just was.

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