Sunday, August 21, 2022

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 8/21/22

Last night we attended a little dad's party here in Chindia. Libations were consumed, cigars smoked, Judeo-Indian issues discussed. We were out till nearly 11:30, a late night for us. 

Chap who hates my books (and has stalked this blog) says he's going to review World War 1990: The Weser, causes sales spike. There's no such thing as a bad review, mate. [You've been watching Get Carter again, haven't you?-Ed] I have, luv. I have. *

With its one-month publication anniversary coming tomorrow, The Weser is on the verge of popping. 

Should the British seize Suez in The New American Order, in the opening? This would reinforce the idea that Britain and the Commonwealth are filling the void left by the US. This can help explain how the Brits are going to be able to fix the Quebec problem.

Remember, the Israelis nuked Egyptian army units in the Sinai. At the same time the Israelis are giving the Palestinians in Judea and Samaria the full Kosovo. A good excuse to talk about that.

You know, we had more questions about plot and plotting to ask this morning, but completely forgot. Oh well. 

*Do we go further? The great Robert Stacy McCain says make enemies. The late Kathy Shaidle cautioned that internet slap fights are time consuming and draining. Honestly, we're reluctant to even bring it up. But it's fucking hilarious that this, and other gobshites, who hate my guts, don't get that when you talk up a book, even to trash it, you help sell it. Not that I need help, mind you. Check the rankings, motherfucker. The Weser has 59 reviews and 4.5 stars. 

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't for one reason you will never change his mind don't waste the effort and yes either the Brits or the Israelis should control the canal
