Monday, September 12, 2022

Monday Jews, Football, Whatever....

Rumors of war in the Middle East abound, says Israeli Radar: 'Intelligence information indicates that Hezbollah is preparing to launch a military operation, Maariv Online reports. The group changed the deployment of its forces in recent days, the report said, citing Lebanese sources.' This blog believes the Israelis have thoroughly penetrated Hezbollah and there's not much they don't know about Hezbollah personnel, operations, and infrastructure. The Israelis have one word for Hezbollah, don't, 'Meanwhile, a senior officer is warning that Hezbollah will pay a high price for attacking Israel. The group will experience a “dramatic destruction” of its assets in southern Lebanon if war erupts, new IDF Northern Command chief Ori Gordin told Walla News.' What does the Imam say? What does he say?

Moving on to the Jews of New York:

Uneducated (this blog is no fan of them) says The New York Times. These people read and speak Hebrew and very often speak Yiddish as well. Uneducated....The New York Times is run by bigots.

What Will's Watching: the NFL...Mrs. Stroock's Eagles won. We understand our own Giants did too. We didn't watch any second games and watched some of the Sunday night game. We're pretty meh about it all but will probably get more into the NFL as the season goes on. Football? How about game-stoppage ball. 

Will's Medical Update: Looks like we have a touch of gout this morning after steak this weekend. Fuck it, we were getting gout without eating red meat, so what difference does it make? We're self-medicating again in a goodwill effort to replicate the (negative) results of our first self-medicating effort. So far so good this morning. 

At this very moment World War 1990: The Weser is #11 in its Amazon category. We'll work some more on Won World War 1990: The Final Storm. We plan [lightning bolt flashes across the sky] to finish 1980 chapter this week. 

We'll do one 9/11 related thing, Monday (not) Metal. We always liked this song. Springsteen (Bon Jovi is better!) really got the tone right on this one. We probably did this last year:

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