Sunday, September 11, 2022

Will's Good idea for the Week of 9/11/22

Stroock's Books can't recall a 9/11 anniversary that had less fanfare. Has enough time passed? Has 9/11 been overtaken by events? Joe's Afghanistan debacle? What were people doing on December 7th, 1962? We recall Pearl Harbor Day being a big deal in 1981, but gradually fading until the big anniversary in 1991. 

Speaking of not giving a crap...the NFL starts today and we don't give a crap. They say a sign of depression is loss of interest in things you once loved...every year we love the NFL a little less. Every year they make the NFL a little harder to watch. Mrs. Stroock's Nittany Lions romped yesterday, though. And she has tickets to see them play Big Ten college football powerhouse Rutgers later this year.*

We do miss writing for Russia...We'll probably never get a gig like that again. Oh Maxim, Maxim...

Will's good idea for the week of 9/11/22...HRH's death gave us some serious ju-ju for the space battle thingy...the one with the carriers raiding an enemy base. But what's the point of an allegorical space opera that's highly derivative of the empire in 1914? Of course, we can make any idea work. But why make this one work?

[Well what the hell else would you like to do?-Ed]

I dunno.

*Foreign readers won't get this joke. Reminder, don't trust anyone in the lowdown, dirty, no good SEC. Those people would give their first born for a National Championship. And god commandeth Abraham to sacrifice his first born for a win over Ohio State and Abraham doth replied, 'Ohio State? Sure thing.'


  1. We let y'all win the war so give us college football it's only fair

  2. Bin Ladin released the potential energy with some of that tar pit that Clinton almost pulled us out of and crushed our citizens with the potential energy of our own ostentatious edifices. Bush and his Republican team responded to that push by driving us into an economic black hole and accelerated our capture with the greed of Supply Side Economics. Open your eyes and see we have yet to stop toppling from the biggest Judo move in human history. Can anyone see any light ahead to left or right from the inevitable release of Hawkins energy? It hard to see with all that Cuban Cigar smoke in my eyes. Switching the subject to sports is a nice temporary deflection but it ain't over till it's over.
