Saturday, September 17, 2022

Saturday Updates

We made it to the weekend. 

Tonight 4/5ths of the Stroock family will take in a Somerset Patriots game. 

We've been reading books about 20th century British history and are looking forward to starting one about Mr. Blair. 

Our French seems to be coming along.

Since we had a gout attack (mother%$#@*!) we didn't get to the gym till yesterday. 

Our weight threatens to drop to 245, that's pounds not kilos. Down nearly 25 lbs since our heart thingy 7 years ago. 

Oh look, Facebook helped the FBI spy on me. 'Facebook spied on private messages of Americans who questioned 2020 election…Under the FBI collaboration operation, somebody at Facebook red-flagged these supposedly subversive private messages over the past 19 months and transmitted them in redacted form to the domestic terrorism operational unit at FBI headquarters in Washington, DC, without a subpoena.' Between that and our work for Inforos...We miss writing for Maxim. We do miss it so. By the way, Trump won. 

Election update: Alert observers who know what to watch, and which polls to ignore will see the numbers firming up for the GOP and breaking up for the Dems. The Cook Political Report just rated the Oregon gubernatorial race a toss-up. Oregon. This blog believes there's a 100% chance the GOP takes the house and a 50% chance to take the senate. We believe that second number will only grow. In November there will be a Red Wave, but no Red Wedding. 

The things.

Sales of World War 1990: The Weser and The Great Nuclear War of 1975 remain strong.  The latter is nearing its 500th (!) rating. 

An odd yet productive week.

We spent all week working on World War 1990: The Final Storm and made progress. We've been hammering away at the intro scenes in the Barents, the Far East, Italy, Israel, etc. These setup The Final Storm, and future novels as well. The Final Storm is kicking our butt. Usually scenes are too short and need more detail. We had to rewrite an entire scene where Admiral Johnson is being dressed down by Admiral Kelso for losing TR. Overall, something is just not quite right and we're pessimistic.

Right now we plan to write World War 1990: Battle of the GIUK Gap, this winter. What is that maniacal laughter from above...?

The editor is editing The Salvation of 1976.

We read through the first chapter of The New American Order. This shows Rockefeller's inauguration, congressional machinations at the Greenbrier (we see a lot of the Greenbrier) and various important people across the globe listening to the inauguration, Thatcher, Haig, etc etc... Upon reading, we came away generally pleased. We'll be reading through the rest of the MS next week. TNAO is 71,000 words. 

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