Sunday, September 18, 2022

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 9/18/22

Alas the Somerset Patriots were nearly sold out and we couldn't get tickets for the four of us. The Stroocks ordered Indian takeout instead. 

Last night Oldest Daughter went to a lifelong friend's birthday party (they've known each other since daycare) wearing one of 'those' dresses. The kind of dress we would have liked to see her mother in back when we were dating, or now. It had to happen. Such are the ironies of time. 

Tomorrow Mrs. Stroock is off to Texas for a week's worth of meetings. It's just daddy, daughters and the cats. 'Texas is awesome,' we said. 'You've never been there,' she replied. Free America, we joked. Dad's taxi service will be running all week. 

We see M.A.S.H. turns 50 today. We were around for MASH, mostly in reruns. In the New York metro area, MASH aired on channel five every night at 7 PM followed by All in the Family. MASH was the biggest sitcom of its era, getting something like 20-30 percent of the audience when it aired. The MASH series finale in 1983 was a national event. The writing became self-serious after a while, but the early seasons were almost a Pythonesque farce. A real riot. We haven't watched MASH in decades and have no desire to. 

Good ideas, randomly...

We'll be reading through The New American Order all week.

We need to get to work on the Battle of the Roki Tunnel chapter.

We'd like to finish all those Final Storm set up chapters too. We'd like lots of things. 

There's been some discussion of a World War 1990: Denmark, or some such. Not a terrible idea.We had one of our people look into Warsaw Pact plans and the story would be interesting. Airborne/amphib assault on Zealand...the Polish Army advancing up Jutland. But wait a minute, in Polish Storm most of the Polish army was in Poland. Still... Not terrible at all. But it'd be Nederland redux. But what do readers say when they read your thing and like it? That's right, they want another thing just like the last thing. 

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