Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Will's First Day of School Update

Wednesday already and the first day of school. Feels like a Monday

Hmmm...the leaves here so far show no signs of turning. Too soon? We thought there'd be a hint of autumn changing by now. The air has definitely cooled.

We've gotten lots of rain the last three days, boy did we every need rain.

Something odd has been happening in the Stroock household lately. All three girls have phones now and it's their preferred form of entertainment at night. For the first time in 15 years Will's been able to sit down in the family room and watch TV. We don't even know what to do with ourselves. 

The Times of Israel reports, 'A new nuclear deal between Iran and world powers is off the table and will not be signed in the foreseeable future, The Times of Israel’s Hebrew sister site Zman Yisrael has learned. This is the message that was conveyed to Prime Minister Yair Lapid in his recent conversations with US President Joe Biden and other administration officials.'  Would that it were so. What hath caused this outbreak of commonsense, forsooth? ToI goes on to speculate that the dead deal could help Lapid in Israel's upcoming election. We shrug. Nothing has broken Israel's electoral deadlock so far. Why would a scuppered Iran deal?

Sticking with the Jews, or der Juden...a video produced by The Wall Street Journal talks about Iron Beam. Drawbacks: short range (about 12 miles), time to destroy target, and sensors affected by weather. This blog assumes the Israelis will overcome these problems. An Iron Dome missile costs $50 K. An Iron Beam shot will cost about two quid (we doubt that number, nothing is ever as cheap as they say).

The New American Order's 1980 chapter really started coming together yesterday. The chapter is basically people across the country listening to Rockefeller's speech at the Republican National Convention taking place in North Platte, Nebraska. In the future, North Platte will be an important plains city. 

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