Monday, October 31, 2022

Election updates and New Jersey Greats

Ten years ago we were on day 3 with no power, I was hand bailing the sump and Governor Christ Christie postponed Halloween. Governor Christie was not a man to be ignore. Here's Chris Christie during Sandy in all his glory, slamming Atlantic City's mayor who told his citizens to remain behind. 'This is now your responsibility.' The term based did yet exist, but Chris Christie was most based:

Ugh we haven't had time to work on French in four days and can't quite call it up. Ugh again. Given current plane ticket prices the point may be mute anyway. In other Stroock travel news, one week till Disney World. We'll be doing no posting from the 8th on...

Jeremey's Knesset Insider has the final Israeli polls before tomorrow's election.  He says, 'As for the blocs so Bibi’s bloc has hit 60.5, that rounds up to 61, yet the downward trend of Likud & UTJ makes it very likely that it falls back to 60. Lapid’s bloc with Hadash-Taal hits 59.5, yet if one of the parties falls under the threshold it will become more complicated to block Netanyahu’s bloc. Lapid’s bloc without Hadash-Taal of 55.5 is far short from being able to form a coalition.'  Netanyahu's Likud is the strongest party in Israel with 31 seats, while Lapid's Yesh Atid is second with 24. This is a good development.* 

There will probably be no clear-cut victor election night. Israel's president will have to pick a leader to form a coalition. Who is entirely up to him. Israeli politics are still deadlocked and the nation won't move on until Netanyahu does. He's kind of a jerk if you ask Stroock's Books. We suspect Likud will collapse once Bibi leaves. Can they bring back Arial Sharon?

We're not actually sure which party we'd vote for this time around. In '92 we supported Rabin and Labour (get Gaza out of Israel), Bibi  and Likud in '96, Bibi again in '99, Sharon (of course!) in '01 and '06, Bibi since '09. Probably Bibi this time. The people who hate Israel really hate Binyamin Netanyahu. He makes all the right enemies and pisses off all the right people. Bibi. One. Last. Time.

Elsewhere, we see Lula has defeated Bolsonaro in Brazil. Do note that polls underestimated conservative strength, a global trend. Bolsonaro has yet to concede and there's no reason for him to do so. We're having fun tweeting out 'Stop the Steal Brasil'. 

Here in America, there is no reason for Republicans to accept an election result they don't like. The left doesn't. See Star Trek space president and pretend governor of Georgia Stacey 'M1' Abrams. 

It's Georgia set up week here at Stroock's Books. This will be the week we finish up the set up scenes for Georgia and the Battle of the Roki Tunnel. As we write this at 7:53 in the morning, we've no idea what we are going to do. Fun times. We did laugh at the notion of World War 1990: The Final Storm being ready by January. But we can have the rough done by then, right? Right?

Hmmmm....If I have Georgian guys coming in from Afghanistan, maybe we need to mention the revolt in Kabul that we've speculated about? Hmmm....There will be more dwelling upon things. 

We've been thinking about Israel Strikes: The Third Novel. We think somebody, the Turks maybe, defeat the Israeli army, forcing the government to call Nagid out of retirement to rescue the situation. There will be an Arab/Christian Israeli charact. Maybe the Israelis do a Churchill and launch a bunch of commando raids on Turkey. There must needs be lots of cyber and drone warfare. This novel would take place in its own universe. 

This has us thinking about books, and time. In just over ten years we'll be 60. We have a 460 + triglyceride level, that's with diet, exercise and a handful of pills each night. So time is limited. What exactly do we want to get done? We've operated these last few years with the goal of getting WW1990 the hell out of the way. Hahahahahah. As a refresher, here's what we'd like to do: TFS, Esercito Italiano, Kabul Revolt, Battle of the GIUK Gap, Saddam's War, Election '92. Etc etc... We vowed to get one WW1990 book out every year with at least one book from another series. Mission accomplished last year and this year. 

We have received the interior proof of The Aftermath of 1976 from the formatter and uploaded it. Things look fine. We're just waiting for the cover to print out a proof and send it to our final line editor. 

Monday Metal. Staying on the Jersey track...Youngest Daughter loves 80's music and really likes Bon Jovi. Younger readers, in the 80's Bon Jovi was thought of as a heavy metal band. While Let it Rock is not a deep track, it literally starts Slippery When Wet, it's not a song heard very often. Also, we knew a guy who knew the keyboard player. Here it is:

*Reminder, 'peace' with the West Bank Persons or Gazans is a non-issue for everyone is Israel save the Quislings in Meretz and Labour. Yesh Atid is basically a centrist party, kind of like the old Labour, but without an almost sexual obsession with 'peace'.

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