Sunday, October 30, 2022

Will's Good Idea for 10/30/22

The bat mitzvah was great. Our speech killed. The daddy/daughter dance was boffo. It's on Facebook. The girls looked great. So did Mrs. Stroock. Wow. We had two beers. One at the reception, one back home at the afterparty. We admit to getting a little emotional. It's Middle Daughter's birthday today, meaning we are officially the father of two teenage girls. Serves us right. 

Meanwhile, Brooklyn Nets star Kyrie Irving continues to hate Jews. Reports The Times of Israel. 'The Nets’ star guard posted a link for the film “Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America” on Twitter on Thursday. The synopsis on Amazon said the film “uncovers the true identity of the Children of Israel.”' It's kookie but common. We ran into some of these guys last February here in Bridgewater. Here's their website. 

Remaining on the black Juden hass beat, we see Barry is campaigning for Senator Rafael Warnock in Georgia. Reminder, Barry has no coattails. Just ask Hillary! For the record, she would have carried all those Dems into office in 2008 too. Circumstances, ideas, candidates all favored the Dems. Even Joe would have won on the top of the ticket (without stealing the race)*, and by similar margins as Barry.

Speaking of Hillary!:

One of these people is Hillary. One of these people is my sister. She's in the creative arts as well.

Anyway... the bat mitzvah, being around all those Jews, including one of Mrs. Stroock's cousins who married an Israeli, and the looming Israeli election has us thinking about a third Israel Strikes novel. The Turks right? We set up the Turks. They come south with Syrian help. Inflict a defeat on the Israeli army...Maybe?  Reminder: novel three would take place in its own universe.

We're afraid we have no good news on World War 1990: The Final Storm. We feel like Han Solo on the Death Star, 'We'd never make it past the tractor beam.' Meaning there is no way TFS comes out in January. We hang our head in shame and swear we're not pulling a George R.R. Martin. 

*Trump won. 

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