Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Kanye and the Jew and Will and the Sword

We've had two good days at the gym supplemented with some intense dance training for Middle Daughter's upcoming bat mitzvah. Oldest Daughter is choreographing. 'And you're turning...you're turning...' It's getting real ugly, people.

We don't have a strong opinion about Kanye West and whatever it was he said about THE JEWS. But doesn't the swift condemnation from everyone, everywhere just give ammo to all the anti-sematic loons saying the THE JEWS control the media? Perhaps this incident will call attention to black Judenhass. We understand Lex Freidman interviewed Kanye West, we'll tune in. Freidman, eh?

We admit we could do a sword and sorcery novel. Actually, just swords, no sorcery. And probably no Elves and Dwarves. Sure we could build a world with stand-ins for the English, the Romans, the Vikings, etc etc. There'd be desert people on the other side of the Great Southern Sea. And to the north a vast frozen wasteland. From a stronghold deep within the Massif Mountains and the Dark Wold an army of rapining Goblins, Orcs and Ghouls emerges, forcing the various human nations to unite.

We could have rival brothers fighting for the king's love and respect. A young Viking war chief wondering if there isn't a better way. A reforming Roman senator who wants to ban slavery within the empire. And there would be damsels, and princesses, and barmaids and wenches and village girls kidnapped by goblin raiders...

So yeah, we've thought about this.

Actually, about 20 years ago we wrote a short story taking place in something like this universe. We liked it. It had a lot of swords, and lances and cavalry charges and a Mary Sue protagonist who out Mary Sue's Mary Sue. This story will never see the light of day. 

Even more actually, for those wondering, our familiarity with the Lord of the Rings begins and ends with the movies. We read the first book and didn't like it. We didn't like it at all. Our sword and sorcery inspiration is Dennis L. McKiernan's Dark Tide Trilogy of the 1980's, originally planned as a direct sequel to TLR. We read a tonne of Guy Gavriel Kay in the mid-2000s and after that, Vox Day's Arts of Dark and Light series. 

So yeah, we could do it. But do we really have anything interesting to say?

So our Irish Rockers, The Answer, will be touring again. That heavy metal jacket of ours has a Union Jack on the back. We asked our man on the ground in Ireland if we were to go see The Answer over there, would that jacket be a problem, or would people get that the Union Jack just means Heavy Metal? 'Are you fucking nuts?' our man on the ground in Ireland replied. 

Hmmm...what if we changed the name of The New American Order to One Hundred Million Americans? Probably not.

We're almost ready to send The Salvation of 1976 along for formatting. Crap, we gotta write the back cover text. 

We looked at World War 1990: The Final Storm this morning, and the Georgia scenes we do have are looking pretty good. Which just goes to show what constant bitching combined with work can accomplish. We need to write new scenes. No this week.

Commercial Break. It's been a long time since military recruitment ads touted three hots and a cot. When we were of age recruitment ads talked about the GI Bill and adventure. This commercial from the mid-2000s is touting an idea. If this doesn't prompt an emotional reaction from readers, I don't know what to say. That final shot, just wow:

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