Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Your Sports and Dance Update

 As a choreographer, Oldest Daughter is a harsh, harsh taskmaster. 'And you're discoing! And you're discoing!' We are tired and sore and with all the rehearsing probably don't need to go to the gym. But we will. [Those women won't ogle themselves-Ed] Hey, nothing says don't notice me like shiny, canary-yellow Lyrca leggings. Anyway, we're required to speak at the bot Mitzvah. Keep it at about two minutes, Middle Daughter warned, dork, she said on the inside.

There were several debates last night, including Dr Oz vs Lurch. Debates are job interviews. That's all. Candidates who think they're at the podium to score technical points lose political debates. Just ask Algore. We didn't watch the PA senate debate, but judging by even the left's reaction, Lurch humiliated himself while Oz looked just fine. Confident, competent, reassuring. You know, like a doctor and seasoned TV personality.  Oz's abortion answer could be a problem, we suppose. Maybe Lurch made himself sympathetic, but we doubt it. Do click on that link for Powerline's review. 

Sports update: What next for the New York Yankees? Homerun king Aaron Judge will command a mighty salary. Let's say ten years $350 million if the Yankees are lucky. Honestly $40 million per could be possible. This blog opposes such a deal. The Yankees don't need Judge to get swept in the ALCS by Houston, a team making its 4th World Series appearance in six years who will almost certainly defeat Mrs. Stroock's Phillies. 

These aren't Torre's Yankees. These aren't Martin's Yankees. These Yankees remind us of the 90's Texas Rangers, a team full of big swingers whom the Yankees beat three times in the playoffs. These are Cashman's Yankees, and they don't know how to win in the postseason. Something is wrong. Yes, we know what we sound like, 'Back in my day, my team knew how to win and your guys aren't as good as the guys of my youth.' But it doesn't matter what baseball era you're talking about. Pitching, defense and timely hitting win World Series. Fundamentals win. And that's true of any sport. 

We have submitted The Salvation of 1976 to the formatter with great fear and trepidation; a case of the yips. We're also working on the back cover text which we'll probably post tomorrow. Probably. Oh alright, we'll post it now (rough. Thoughts invited):

The Salvation of 1976
The sequel to The Great Nuclear War of 1975
As nuclear winter turns into spring, the Rockefeller Administration must rebuild America.
The task is enormous.
Every major American city and state capital has been blasted to radioactive rubble.
The nation’s infrastructure is smashed.
Tens of millions of Americans are displaced and homeless.
President Rockefeller runs the nation from the Western White House in Casper, Wyoming.
A rump congress convenes at the Greenbrier in West Virginia.
Somehow the nation must hold a presidential election.
The politicians scramble to rebuild their parties and find viable candidates.
Overseas America’s enemies take advantage of a world without superpowers. Can America fight a war abroad while clearing the nuclear rubble at home?
And one man walks across half a continent to reunite with his family

Commercial break: sticking with our United States Marines theme, classic from the New York metro area. In the late 1980s these were everywhere. Exit question: what's a phone book?

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