Saturday, October 22, 2022

Saturday Updates

We'll do a full review of the Iron Maiden concert on Monday.  For now:

They also brought flame throwers. 

Honestly, we're in late middle age, and were delighted that the show wrapped up at about 10:45 so we could grab the 11:08 to Bridgewater. Otherwise, we'd have had to hang around Newark Penn for another hour. No body wants to hang around Newark longer than they must.

Hmm...why aren't our ears ringing? [You said you're in late middle-age-Ed]. Maybe our hearing is just that far gone. 

We have the 10-year old's birthday party today. We were teaching when Mrs. Stroock went into labor. 'Okay, class dismissed!' It was fun showing the baby pics two days later. 

Mrs. Stroock's Phillies won game three of the NLCS against the Padres. She is pleased. 

The Things.

We have gotten The Salvation of 1976 back from the editor. Therefollows formatting and final editing. We'll have a hard copy by next week. December. 

We made some good progress with The New American Order. We have one more family scene to write. From there we need to lay the groundwork for Maggie's little Mediterranean operation. Imagine if Suez had worked for the Brits in 1956. Retaking Suez does show Britian's renewed relevance. Is it necessary? No. We are sorely tempted to cut this subplot and get on with writing the future history. The urge to hit the delete button is strong.

We made a lot of progress on World War 1990: The Final Storm. Did we say progress? We deleted the opening scene where Gorby, Yeltsin and Shevardnadze are plotting. This scene more or less continues the Battle of the Three Seas ending scene. So it's a redo. Overall what we have down looks a lot better than it did at last Saturday update. Still, we are confused and disoriented.  So the good news is the actual set up is coming on fine. The bad news is we don't know how to begin the setup. We move on now to the actual battle of the Roki Tunnel. Did we say winter for TFS? [You said January....stop laughing-Ed]. We'll be working on the battle next week. And then? Fuckall if we know. 

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